Business Model Adaptation Best Haputpong•Dexter Tiah
Discover how to tailor your business model for new markets while exploring various entry strategies, such as joint ventures, partnerships, and direct investments, along with their advantages and disadvantages.
Best Haputpong
VP at igloocompany
Dexter Tiah
Venture Partner at
Funding and Financial Management Matthew Phua•Philip Tan
Explore crucial financial strategies for international business expansion, including funding sources, effective daily financial management, and key financial literacy topics like scaling, growth planning, and credit building. Enhance your financial acumen and set your business up for global success.
Matthew Phua
Founding Partner at Harvest Accounting
Philip Tan
Coffee Break
Digitalization and Technology Daniel Chua•Regina Pek•Stanley Tan
Learn how to leverage technology for international expansion by discovering essential tools and platforms that streamline operations, from project management to communication. Gain insights into setting up and managing e-commerce platforms to ensure a seamless customer experience and enhance your online presence.
Daniel Chua
Head of Commercial SEA at WorldFirst
Regina Pek
Creative Director of LBRLABEL PTE. LTD.
Stanley Tan
Director of Windflower Florist
Legal and Compliance Ann Liang Ang
Understand key legal aspects of doing business internationally, including essential compliance requirements and regulatory considerations in various countries.
Ann Liang Ang
Associate Director of Wong Tan & Molly Lim LLC
Networking & Dinner
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